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Install an AOC Monitor Driver in Windows

Is your AOC monitor not recognized by your PC? Then you need an AOC monitor driver for Windows.

Monitor drivers in general are the same across Windows versions. Drivers for Windows 7 will work in Windows 8.1 and Windows 10 as well. In many cases even older drivers will work fine. The reason for this is that monitor drivers only contain information about the monitor’s characteristics, like supported screen resolutions and color profiles. So a change in Windows versions does not mean  your monitor is no longer usable.

In this article we’ll explain where you can find drivers for your AOC monitor and how to install it.

Manually Install a Monitor Driver for Your AOC Monitor Model

  1. The first step is to identify your AOC monitor model. Simply look at the back of your monitor for the type indication.
  2. The next step is to find and download the appropriate AOC monitor driver. Go to the AOC driver download site. Enter your AOC monitor model number in the search field and click the search icon (1).
    AOC monitor driver
    If you are not able to find the AOC monitor model using the search bar, you can locate it by browsing the size options below the search option (2).
  3. Next, click on the monitor icon on the webpage to download the driver file. Depending on the browser you use, you might need to choose a download location and confirm the file save operation.
    Download AOC monitor driver file
  4. The downloaded file is a ZIP file. Extract the contents to a folder and then manually install the  AOC monitor driver in Windows.
Instructions: Don't know how to install monitor drivers? Click here to manually install a monitor driver in Windows 10. The instructions apply to most Windows versions, due to the nature of this type of driver.

Automatically Install a Monitor Driver for Your AOC Monitor Model

If you are finding it difficult to find the right driver for your AOC monitor, you can try our DriverFinder program. The program automatically identifies all hardware on your computer, including your monitor, and finds the right driver for it.

The licensed version of DriverFinder includes free technical support to help you install the drivers if you face any problems.

A side-benefit of this approach is that DriverFinder will enable you to update all your device drivers. So not only will your AOC monitor be properly supported by Windows, you will also have up-to-date graphics card drivers!

After installing the AOC monitor driver, Windows should now properly recognize your monitor. You can set the optimal resolution for your screen and rely on colors being correctly displayed.

I hope you enjoyed reading this article.
If you’re still having monitor issues, feel free to get in touch and I’ll do what I can to help you!

How to Manually Install Monitor Drivers in Windows 10

Manually installing monitor drivers in Windows 10 can help you solve screen display limitations. Follow these easy steps to install a monitor driver for your PC.

Monitor drivers tell your Windows PC what display monitor you are using and what the capabilities of the monitor are. The monitor driver ensures that your display can be optimized for color usage, refresh rates, and screen resolutions.

In Windows 10 a lot of hardware is recognized and supported directly, so in many cases monitor drivers are installed automatically.

But if your monitor is not recognized or detected properly, your screen resolution and other display settings will be limited. In that case it might be required to manually install monitor drivers in Windows 10. That will then allow you to use the maximum capabilities of the monitor.

Other scenarios where you may to need to manually install monitor drivers is when using an older monitor, or connecting an external monitor to a laptop.

Monitor Driver Installation Steps for Windows 10

Step 1– To start with the manual installation of the monitor driver, you need to open the Device Manager in Windows.

Right-click the Start button, and in the Start menu, select Device Manager.

Windows 10 Start Menu

Alternatively, simply type “device manager” in the search box, and then click the Device Manager in the search results.

Search Device Manager

Step 2 – In the Device Manager window, open the Monitors group, and select the monitor for which you manually want to install the driver.

Monitor in Device Manager

Step 3 –Right-click the monitor item, and in the the popup menu, select Update driver.

Update Monitor Driver

Step 4 – In the Update Drivers window, select the option Browse my computer for drivers

Browse Monitor Driver Files

Step 5 – Next, click the Browse button and navigate to the location of the monitor driver files.

Navigate to Monitor Driver Files

Monitor driver files typically exist of at least 3 files, a file with file extension .INF, a file with file extension .CAT, and a file with file extension .ICM.

The INF file is used by Windows for the driver installation. It contains driver installation information and a list of devices supported by the driver. The CAT file is a catalog file that contains, as Microsoft calls it, thumbprints for all files in the driver collection. The ICM file contains the color profile for the monitor that allows Windows to match colors with the display characteristics of the monitor to show realistic colors.

Step 6 – Click the OK button to confirm the location of the monitor driver files.

Select Monitor Driver Files

Step 7 – Click the Next button to confirm the monitor driver file location.

Windows 10 will now install the monitor drivers for your monitor and show a message that it has successfully updated your drivers.

Step 8 – Click the Close button to finish.

The Device Manager should now list the monitor(s) with the correct brand/model indication.

Windows 10 Monitor Drivers installed

Note: the system in the screenshot was a double monitor setup, hence the double entry of the monitor in the Device Manager.

Problems Related to Monitor Drivers in Windows 10

The most common problem you will face if Windows 10 does not recognize the monitor is that the screen resolution is limited to a low resolution (640×480, 800×600, or 1024×768). Especially with modern (4K) screens, resolutions can be a lot higher.

For non-LCD screens, the refresh rates can also be limited, which might result in a flickering screen.

Dual (multi) display setups can also have restrictions as result of the monitors not being recognized.

I already mentioned the color profile for monitors. An ICM file is used to specify the International Color Consortium compatibility for a monitor. To make sure the intended colors are properly displayed by the monitor they are calibrated and the values are defined in the color profile. This prevents the problem with the monitor displaying incorrect colors.

One thing to keep in mind though, is that it is not only the monitor driver that affects display issues. The graphics card and the driver for the graphic card are just as important. Memory limitations on the graphics card can limit possible screen resolutions, and so can DisplayPort-to-HDMI dongles. So make sure you check and update the graphics card drivers as well.

Where Do I Find Monitor Drivers for Windows 10?

If you have your original monitor installation package, you could find a CD-ROM (or DVD) with it that contains the original drivers. Even though they may not be the latest drivers for your monitor, it is a good place to start if you still have them. But most manufacturers of display monitors will have a support section on their website where you can download monitor driver files for their models.

Unlike many other device drivers, monitor drivers are less limited to Windows versions, so even if there is no direct support for Windows 10, you can often use a monitor driver for an older version of Windows in Windows 10. In general, there is also no distinction between 32-bit and 64-bit versions for monitor drivers.

If you cannot manually find a monitor driver for you monitor, try downloading DriverFinder and let it find a monitor driver for you automatically.

Additional Monitor Software

Apart from getting the right driver for your monitor device, installing the software from the original manufacturer can also help to install additonal software. For the example used in this article, we used a BenQ display. That comes with something called Display Pilot.

BenQ Display Pilot software

This type of software can help control settings for your monitor(s). Instead of using physical controls, you can change the contrast and brightness from the program. ViewSonic has the vDisplay Manager, which is something similar.

Some other features, like different color profiles, virtual desktops, and similar options can have an overlap with standard features in Windows 10 itself. So the added value of this type of software needs to be assessed, and you do not install software that is not adding value. Typically these programs are run at startup (or logon), so they can increase the Windows start time.

How to Fix a Problematic PC Monitor

display driverDo not automatically assume the PC monitor is damaged just because it abruptly ceased working one day. It might not be a hardware component that is the problem but something else like faulty display drivers.

Gadgets plugged into a computer exchange info with the system using device drivers loaded with a specific program language. An archaic or corrupt or even a deleted software file here prevents the monitor from communicating clearly with a computer. The appearance of error messages usually follows along with possible loss of monitor features. Not surprisingly, frustration can build quickly with a monitor that refuses to work because no work is accomplished in such a situation. So please do read on for more info to help distinguish if the device drivers or questionable hardware is at fault for what you are experiencing.

Troubleshoot to Get at the Heart of the Monitor Issue

Faulty drivers are typically the problem if error messages keep showing up on the monitor. Blank monitors signal a different problem source which means you need to look further to find the answer. See if the monitor power light is lighted. A lit power light means there is likely something wrong with the device driver. There is a good chance the device drivers are problematic if the displayed message on the monitor says no input devices were found. Another trick is to connect your monitor to some other PC and see if anything changes. If the thing works then flawed monitor drivers are to blame for your situation.

Tweaks to Monitor Driver Errors Via Driver Updates

You need to be certain first that defective monitor drivers are to blame. From here steps can be taken to rectify the situation. Many choose to manually uninstall and reinstall the monitor to address the issue. However, updating the device drivers of the monitor is more effective.

With operating systems undergoing constant updating users usually find themselves left with outdated device drivers owing to recently loaded updates. The disc your PC came with or the latest drivers over the Net can be used to update the system and address the issue. You may have to ask a friend for use of his monitor or connect to your computer via remote access if the monitor you have just will not turn on.

Using Automated Utilities to Deal With Monitor Issues

In the event that you experience difficulty performing these activities you can try various automatic driver update tools. These utilities conduct automatic system scans for detection of flawed device drivers and their subsequent replacement with updated ones. Going this route lets you skip the long hours troubleshooting driver errors and fixes the problem straightaway.

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