Download and Try DriverFinder!

Please Click Here to download DriverFinder now. After downloading, activate the program and run a driver scan and find out just how many new drivers are ready for immediate download and use on your PC.

How to Save in Google Chrome

Once you click the Download button, DriverFinder will be downloaded and saved on your computer. If the Save As windows comes up, simply click the Save button to save the installer to the default download location on your computer.

save file in chrome

Once DriverFinder has been downloaded, simply click on the dfinstall.exe in the bottom left of the Chrome browser window. This will run the program installer and you update your drivers. That's it!

How to Save in Mozilla FireFox

Click the 'Save File' button and DriverFinder will be downloaded and saved on your computer.

save file in firefox

Once DriverFinder has been downloaded, click the download icon in the top-right corner of the FireFox window, and in the list, click dfinstall.exe to run the installer and update your drivers. That's it!

start installer in firefox

How to Save in Microsoft Internet Explorer

You will see a window opening at the bottom of your screen. Click the 'Save' button and DriverFinder™ will be downloaded and saved on your computer, or you can click the 'Run' button and launch the installer directly.
If you use the Save popup menu option Save and run you combine both actions.

save file in internet explorer

Once DriverFinder has been downloaded, simply click on the dfinstall.exe file to run the installer and update your drivers. That's it!

How to Save in Microsoft Edge

After clicking the download button, you will see a panel appearing in the bottom of the Microsoft Edge window. The file download progress will be shown there.

save file in Microsoft Edge

Once DriverFinder has been downloaded, click the 'Open file' link under dfinstall.exe to run the program installer and update your drivers. That's it!

Current Version: 4.1.0
Latest Release Date: March 31, 2021

Supported Operating Systems:

DriverFinder works on Windows 10, 8, 7, Vista, and Windows XP
Both 32- and 64-bit systems are supported.

System Requirements:

  • Minimum: Windows XP, Vista, Windows 7 / 8 / 10 (32 and 64 bit versions)
  • 300 MHz Pentium compatible or higher CPU
  • 256 MB RAM
  • 8 MB free hard disk space
  • Additional hard disk space for driver downloads and backups
  • Screen resolution 800 x 600 true color or higher
  • Internet connection


Auto-Update Your Drivers & Upgrade Your PC Experience Now!
Enjoy 100% Safe and Secure Driver Downloads with DriverFinder

Download DriverFinder
Supports Windows 32-Bit and 64-Bit Versions

DriverFinder is an advanced driver scanning, updating and downloading utility for Windows-based PCs. By downloading, you agree to have read and accepted the License Agreement and Privacy Policy. Individual drivers may be available freely on manufacturer websites. Activate the full version of DriverFinder for a one-time low fee of only USD 29.95 for a year.

Driver Updates

For Windows XP up to Windows 11
Supports 32-bit and 64-bit systems
DriverFinder is an advanced driver scanning, updating and downloading utility for Windows-based PCs. By downloading, you agree to have read and accepted the License Agreement and Privacy Policy. Individual drivers may be available freely on manufacturer websites. Activate the full version of DriverFinder for a one-time low fee of only USD 29.95 for a year.

Safe & Secure

Softpedia Award
Integrity Statement

PC Requirements

  • Windows 11,
    Windows 10,
    Windows 8,
    Windows 7,
    Vista & Windows XP
  • 300 MHz Pentium or higher CPU
  • 256 MB RAM
  • 16 MB hard drive space
  • Space for driver downloads and backups
  • 800x600 true color or better resolution
  • Internet connection

Company Info