Recently Added Drivers

DriverFinder uses proprietary, state-of-the-art driver backend crawlers and analyzers to ensure we always have the newest drivers available from hundreds of manufacturers worldwide. If there's a driver update out there, we'll be the first to know about it!

Here's a LIVE snapshot of some of the most recent drivers added to our database:

SteelSeries ApS | | SteelSeries Sonar VAD extensions

SteelSeries ApS | | SteelSeries Sonar VAD extensions

SteelSeries ApS | | SteelSeries Sonar VAD extensions

SteelSeries ApS | | SteelSeries Sonar VAD extensions

SteelSeries ApS | | Sonar APO

SteelSeries ApS | | Sonar APO

STMicroelectronics | | Intel(R) Sensor Solution Legacy DFU

STMicroelectronics | | Intel(R) Sensor Solution Legacy DFU

STMicroelectronics | | Intel(R) Sensor Solution Legacy DFU

STMicroelectronics | | Intel(R) Sensor Solution Legacy DFU

SteelSeries ApS | | SteelSeries Gaming Keyboard

SteelSeries ApS | | SteelSeries Gaming Keyboard

SteelSeries ApS | | SteelSeries Nimbus

SteelSeries ApS | | SteelSeries Nimbus

SteelSeries PS/2 Keyboard | | SteelSeries PS/2 Keyboard

SteelSeries PS/2 Keyboard | | SteelSeries PS/2 Keyboard

SteelSeries ApS | | SteelSeries Aerox 5 Wireless Diablo 4 Edition

SteelSeries ApS | | SteelSeries Aerox 5 Wireless Diablo 4 Edition

SteelSeries ApS | | SteelSeries SMBus Interface

SteelSeries ApS | | SteelSeries SMBus Interface

SteelSeries | | SteelSeries Device Factory

SteelSeries | | SteelSeries Device Factory

Realtek | 10.69.1121.2023 | Realtek(R) PCI(e) Ethernet Controller

Realtek | 10.69.1121.2023 | Realtek(R) PCI(e) Ethernet Controller

Realtek | 10.69.1121.2023 | Realtek(R) PCI(e) Ethernet Controller

Realtek | 10.69.1121.2023 | Realtek(R) PCI(e) Ethernet Controller

Realtek | 10.69.1121.2023 | Realtek Gaming 2.5GbE Family Controller

Realtek | 10.69.1121.2023 | Realtek Gaming 2.5GbE Family Controller

Realtek | 10.69.1121.2023 | Realtek Gaming 2.5GbE Family Controller

Realtek | 10.69.1121.2023 | Realtek Gaming 2.5GbE Family Controller

Auto-Update Your Drivers & Upgrade Your PC Experience
Enjoy 100% Safe Driver Downloads with DriverFinder

For Windows XP up to Windows 11
Supports both 32-Bit and 64-Bit systems
DriverFinder is an advanced driver scanning, updating and downloading utility for Windows-based PCs. By downloading, you agree to have read and accepted the License Agreement and Privacy Policy. Individual drivers may be available freely on manufacturer websites. Activate the full version of DriverFinder for a one-time low fee of only USD 29.95 for a year.

Driver Updates

For Windows XP up to Windows 11
Supports 32-bit and 64-bit systems
DriverFinder is an advanced driver scanning, updating and downloading utility for Windows-based PCs. By downloading, you agree to have read and accepted the License Agreement and Privacy Policy. Individual drivers may be available freely on manufacturer websites. Activate the full version of DriverFinder for a one-time low fee of only USD 29.95 for a year.

Safe & Secure

Softpedia Award
Integrity Statement

PC Requirements

  • Windows 11,
    Windows 10,
    Windows 8,
    Windows 7,
    Vista & Windows XP
  • 300 MHz Pentium or higher CPU
  • 256 MB RAM
  • 16 MB hard drive space
  • Space for driver downloads and backups
  • 800x600 true color or better resolution
  • Internet connection

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